Automate your Controller

You can configure each controller component to execute one or more actions based on several types of events triggered by the component itself. For example, when moving a slider, you can send a MIDI CC message, or when pressing a button you can send a note on message, etc.

Each component can have an arbitrary number of events. Each event, when triggered, can execute one or more Actions. 



On value changed

This function is available for the items where a modification of the value is involved, like moving a slider, rotating a knob and playing on the XY pad. Each movement trigger will change the control’s value and, consequently, the MIDI messages dedicated for the action will be sent. 

When applied to a XY Pad, you can specify if the event is referred to the horizontal (x) or vertical (y) axis of the pad. 

On Press

This event is triggered when a finger is placed on an item. Buttons, pads and key switches use this action to determine when to send the corresponding MIDI messages. The event is typically associated with note on MIDI messages. 

On Release 

This is the event triggered when a finger is release from a controller item. The event is consequent to the On press event, so it can be useful to complete a sequence of MIDI events. If you sent a MIDI note on for the Touch began event, here you will send the counterpart MIDI note off.

Note that this is not necessarily the case. You can send both Note on and Note off messages during the On press event. It’s up to you. 

On Tap

This is a convenient event that unifies the behavior of On Press and On Release in a single Event

On Long Press

Triggered when when a component is kept pressed for more than one second

On Appear

This event is triggered when the controller item is loaded and displayed on screen. Can be useful to send initialization messages to the controlled plugin or MIDI unit, such as default values or system messages (Sysex).

On Disappear

Triggered when a controller item is unloaded, i.e. when closing the controller. Useful to send tear down messages to the controlled plugin or unit.



ONE Control is able to send the vast majority of MIDI messages.

Note On

Send a specific note on message. You can specify:

– the note name and octave, like C#2, or the note number where 0 is C-2

– the velocity of the note. If omitted, the default value of 64 will be used

– the channel where the note will be sent. If omitted, the default channel of the controller will be used or, if not defined, the global default channel.

Note: remember to send the MIDI off message in a subsequent action, otherwise you’ll have the note playing indefinitely!

Note Off

Send the note off message. You can specify:

– the note name and octave, like C#2, or the note number where 0 is C-2

– the channel where the note will be sent. If omitted, the default channel of the controller will be used or, if not defined, the global default channel.


Sends a specific MIDI Control change message. You can specify:

– The control number, from 0 to 127

– The value sent for the control. If omitted, will be used the value of the containing controller item, such as the slider or the knob where action of the message is defined. For buttons and pads, the default value is 127 for touch began and 0 for touch ended actions respectively

– The channel where the control change will be sent. If omitted, the channel of controller will be used. If not defined, channel 10 will be used.

Patch Change

Send a Program Change message. This Action is very useful when associated to an Interactive Display component to change the patch of a device while visualizing the program number on the display.

MIDI MMC Command

Sends a specific MMC (MIDI Machine Control) message, like play/stop/rec.

OSC Command

Send a OSC command in the form of a OSC Path. To include the value of the current component as a variable, use {value}.
For examplem /performance/volume/{value}


This is an utility action, which suspend the current event for a specified amount of time, typically in the order of milliseconds. The action can be extremely usefully in case of MIDI messages sent to gears which can take time to complete the operation before being able to receive more messages.

Reordering Actions

If for an Event you have more than one Action, and you need to execute them in a specific sequence, you can reorder the action by pressing the arrow buttons on the right side of each Action’s header.


Use Multiple iPads

